Getting Started
This guide gives a brief, high-level overview of the basic CRUD operations and features of Butane. The complete code can be found at examples/getting_started. We deliberately follow the same goal as Diesel’s getting-started guide: building the database portions of a blog.
Let’s begin by creating a new rust project
cargo new --lib getting_started && cd getting_started
In Cargo.toml
, add a dependency on Butane:
butane = { version = "0.7", features=["pg", "sqlite"] }
This guide will focus on using SQLite initially, and use “pg” for PostgreSQL support at the end.
A word on error-handling: for simplicity, this example unwraps errors to panic on failure. In a real program, you would of course handle your errors.
Butane provides a CLI to help with database connection and
migration. It’s optional – it uses only public Butane APIs – but it
helps with common tasks. Let’s install it and initialize our
database. It’s intended to be run from the same directory as the
Cargo package (i.e. the one containing Cargo.toml
cargo install butane_cli
butane init sqlite example.db
This will have created an example.db
SQLite file in the current
directory as well as a .butane
subdirectory. Inside that
subdirectory, we see a connection.json
file containing our
connection parameters.
At this point, we can add a method (in our
) to establish a connection in code.
use butane::db::{Connection, ConnectionSpec};
pub fn establish_connection() -> Connection {
We can connect to our database, but we can’t really do anything
yet. Let’s define some models for our blog objects (in src/
). We’ll start with
the Blog itself.
use butane::prelude::*;
use butane::{model, ForeignKey, Many, ObjectState};
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Blog {
pub id: AutoPk<i64>,
pub name: String,
impl Blog {
pub fn new(name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
Blog {
id: AutoPk::uninitialized(),
name: name.into()
The #[model]
attribute does the heavy lifting here:
- It generates automatic
s ofbutane::DataResult
. - It adds an additional field
state: butane::ObjectState
used to store internal Butane state information. In general, we can ignore this field, but it must be initialized when the struct is constructed and there may not be another field namedstate
, although it is acceptable to manually include thestate: ObjectState
field in the struct definition to make its presence more obvious (and rust-analyzer happier). - It tells Butane that instances of this struct should be represented in the database, recording migration info (more on this later).
The id
field is special – it’s the primary key. All models must
have a primary key. If we didn’t want to name ours id
, we could have
added a #[pk]
attribute to denote the primary key field. The
wrapping type says that the field should be populated
automatically from an incrementing value. It is only allowed on
integer types and will cause the underlying column to be
for SQLite or SERIAL
PostgreSQL. When the object is created in the database via its
method, the AutoPk
field will be updated to its initialized
Now let’s add a model to represent a blog post, and in the process take a look at a few more features.
pub struct Post {
pub id: AutoPk<i32>,
pub title: String,
pub body: String,
pub published: bool,
pub blog: ForeignKey<Blog>,
pub tags: Many<Tag>,
pub byline: Option<String>,
// listed for clarity, generated automatically if omitted
state: butane::ObjectState,
impl Post {
pub fn new(blog: &Blog, title: String, body: String) -> Self {
Post {
id: -1,
published: false,
blog: blog.into(),
tags: Many::default(),
byline: None,
state: ObjectState::default(),
Each post is associated with a single blog, represented by the
. Posts and tags, however, have a many-to-many
relationship, represented here by Many<Tag>
The Tag model itself is trivial
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Tag {
pub tag: String,
impl Tag {
pub fn new(tag: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
Tag {
tag: tag.into(),
Then we can use them in our
pub mod models;
pub use models::{Blog, Post};
Let’s build our package now. If we look in the .butane
it has new items! There’s a migrations/current
recording information about our models. These files are necessary for
migrations to work, but their format is not part of Butane’s public
Initial Migration
Butane has recorded our current state, but no tables have been created in the database yet! We need to create our first migration. It doesn’t matter what we name it, so let’s call it “init”.
butane makemigration init
The migration is created using our supplied name and the current date. If we now run
butane list
It prints our migration and tell us that it’s “(not applied)”. So let’s go ahead and apply it!
butane migrate
Now that the database matches our models, let’s write some more code.
To create an object in the database, we just instantiate a struct as
normal, then save it. Let’s write create_blog
and create_post
methods (in
use butane::db::{Connection, ConnectionSpec};
use butane::prelude::*;
pub fn create_blog(conn: &Connection, name: impl Into<String>) -> Blog {
let mut blog = Blog::new(name);;
pub fn create_post(conn: &Connection, blog: &Blog, title: String, body: String) -> Post {
let mut new_post = Post::new(blog, title, body);;
The butane::prelude::*
import brings some common Butane traits into
scope. If you’d prefer to avoid star-imports, you can import the
necessary traits explicitly (in this case use butane::{DataObject,
We don’t need to create a new blog every time, if we have an existing one we want to reuse it (for simplicity we’ll only add one blog in this example), so let’s add a method to find that existing blog.
pub fn existing_blog(conn: &Connection) -> Option<Blog> {
At this point we have everything we need to create a short program to
write a post. Let’s add a write_post
binary to Cargo.toml
name = "write_post"
doc = false
And write its code (in src/bin/
use std::io::{stdin, Read};
use getting_started::*;
fn main() {
let conn = establish_connection();
let blog = match existing_blog(&conn) {
Some(blog) => blog,
None => {
println!("Enter blog name");
let name = readline();
create_blog(&conn, name)
println!("Enter post title");
let title = readline();
println!("\nEnter text for {} ({} when finished)\n", title, EOF);
let mut body = String::new();
stdin().read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap();
let post = create_post(&conn, &blog, title, body);
"\nSaved unpublished post {} with id {}",
fn readline() -> String {
let mut s = String::new();
stdin().read_line(&mut s).unwrap();
s.pop(); // Drop the newline
const EOF: &str = "CTRL+D";
const EOF: &str = "CTRL+Z";
Let’s run this (cargo run --bin write_post
) and author our first post.
Ok, that’s great, we put some data in the database, but at some point
we’re going to want to get it back to display it. The most ergonomic and
type-safe way to construct Butane queries is to use the query!
To find all published posts, we’d write:
query!(Post, published == true)
The heavy lifting is actually done by the filter!
macro. The above is just shorthand for.
Post::query().filter(filter!(Post, published == true))
creates a butane::query::BoolExpr
, but does so in a more
ergonomic and type-safe manner. If we had a typo and wrote
query!(Post, publish == true)
(“publish” instead of “published”) we’d get a compiler error.
Let’s add another binary to Cargo.toml
, this one called show_posts
, and write its code (in src/bin/
use butane::query;
use getting_started::models::Post;
use getting_started::*;
fn main() {
let conn = establish_connection();
let results = query!(Post, published == true)
.expect("Error loading posts");
println!("Displaying {} posts", results.len());
for post in results {
println!("{}", post.title);
println!("{}", post.body);
If we run it (cargo run --bin show_posts
) we don’t see any posts
though. That’s because it only prints published posts, and we haven’t
published our post yet.
Let’s create yet another program, publish_post
. It needs to be given
the id of a post to publish. To publish the post, we find it by id,
mark it as published, and save it again.
Add publish_post
binary to Cargo.toml
, and write its code (in src/bin/
use std::env::args;
use butane::prelude::*;
use getting_started::models::Post;
use getting_started::*;
fn main() {
let id = args()
.expect("publish_post requires a post id")
.expect("Invalid ID");
let conn = establish_connection();
let mut post = Post::get(&conn, id).expect(&format!("Unable to find post {}", id));
// Just a normal Rust assignment, no fancy set methods
post.published = true;;
println!("Published post {}", post.title);
Let’s publish our first post: cargo run --bin publish_post 1
. Now
when we run show_posts
again, it should display our newly published
We’ve gotten most of the way through CRUD. For completeness, let’s see
how to delete a post. This can be done with either the delete
on DataObject
(to delete an object we’ve already loaded) or (more
commonly) with the delete
method on Query
to delete directly.
Here’s our delete_post
program (in src/bin/
use std::env::args;
use butane::query;
use getting_started::models::Post;
use getting_started::*;
fn main() {
let target = args().nth(1).expect("Expected a target to match against");
let pattern = format!("%{}%", target);
let conn = establish_connection();
let cnt = query!(Post,{ pattern }))
.expect("error deleting posts");
println!("Deleted {} posts", cnt);
We’re showing off another feature of the query!
macro here
too. We look for the post(s) to be deleted based on title pattern. The
method-like invocation on title
transforms into the SQL LIKE
operator. So if we named our first post “First post” we could match it
with e.g. First%
But what about the braces in { pattern }
? Normally names within the
macro refer to database columns/operators. The braces escape us back
to referring names in Rust code, so the value of the pattern
variable is used as the right-hand side for the LIKE
If you delete a post, you can run show_posts
again to confirm that it is fact deleted.
At some point we’ll need to expand our models. Let’s say we decide to
add a feature to allow visitors to “like” posts. Now we need to add a
field to Post
. Let’s go ahead and add
pub likes: i32,
making the full model
pub struct Post {
pub id: AutoPk<i32>,
pub title: String,
pub body: String,
pub published: bool,
pub tags: Many<Tag>,
pub blog: ForeignKey<Blog>,
pub byline: Option<String>,
pub likes: i32,
state: butane::ObjectState,
impl Post {
pub fn new(blog: &Blog, title: String, body: String) -> Self {
Post {
id: -1,
published: false,
tags: Many::default(),
blog: blog.into(),
byline: None,
likes: 0,
state: ObjectState::default(),
Now we have to update our database. To do that, we create a new migration, we’ll call this one “likes”.
cargo build
butane makemigration likes
And then apply it
butane migrate
And that’s it! Now we can use our new field.
Embedding migrations
So far, the migrations are stored on the file-system. If the application is distributed as an executable, those migrations need to be included.
To do that, the embed
command will create a Rust file
which can be included into the code.
butane embed
After running the embed
sub-command, the generated code needs to be included into the Rust code.
Edit the
and add the following at the top:
pub mod butane_migrations;
Opening the generated
shows it includes the same SQLite migrations that are stored on disk.
Now compiling the code will include the migrations, however we need to update the function establish_connection
to use these migrations:
pub fn establish_connection() -> Connection {
use butane::migrations::Migrations;
let mut connection = butane::db::connect(&ConnectionSpec::load(".butane/connection.json").unwrap()).unwrap();
let migrations = butane_migrations::get_migrations().unwrap();
migrations.migrate(&mut connection).unwrap();
Now the executable can automatically migrate a database to the current schema that executable requires.
Adding PostgreSQL support
To add the PostgreSQL backend, run:
butane backend add pg
The file-system migrations will be updated to include PostgreSQL support, and
will also be updated to include the PostgreSQL migration scripts.
While there are lots of aspects of Butane not covered in this tutorial, hopefully it’s conveyed an idea of how to get started. More details can be found in the API docs.